Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What is Public Speaking?

When you mention the word Public Speaking, different things will pop up in the minds of different people. To some, public speaking is a process where a person speak in front of a group of people. While to others, it means a fear that is scarier than death itself.

For me, public speaking is a skill, a talent, a process, a tool and a passion.

It is a skill because it can be learnt.

It is a talent because like any skill in this world, some people are more talented than others in certain fields. For example, some people may be more talented in sports while some may be more talented when in comes to crunching numbers. BUT at the end of the day, with or without talent, public speaking is a skill that can be mastered.

It is a process because there is a step by step technique which anyone can learn to make themselves become better speakers.

It is a tool because you can use public speaking to Inform, Persuade or Entertain. History has shown us that public speaking has been used (many times) as a tool to change the world.

It is a passion, because for me, I live and breathe public speaking.

Speak to Inspire and Be Inspired,
Bernard Yong

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