Monday, July 11, 2011

Flirting with the audience?

I must admit. I picked up a very bad habit lately and that is reading too many books at the same time. It has gotten so bad that I am now on a self-imposed ban from entering any bookshops. FYI, I am now reading 4 different books.

One of my friend by the name of Kassim said, "Bernard, read one book at a time until finish. What you are doing now is like flirting with four women. You won't win any of their heart."

Hahaha....I like the way he compare what I am doing with flirting. Very creative.

I don't know. Somehow, I felt that when I read 4 books at once, it gives me a refreshing feeling. What I normally do is that I will read a few chapters and then I will let the lessons sink into my mind while I picked up another book and read. It gives me variety and a new level of appreciation for all the books that I am currently reading.

So is like flirting with 4 different women and for those of you who have participated in the flirting game, you will know what I meant by having a refreshing feeling.

Somehow, I find that this technique works well for me. I am a person who gets bored easily and by having a variety of books to read, it actually helps to ensure that I finish reading all of them.

Variety is a good medicine to fight against boredom.

So, how do we apply this to public speaking?

Do we add variety to retain our audience's attention?

The answer is Yes and No.

Yes, you should add variety in your delivery by adding the following to your presentation:

1) Interesting stories
2) Humor
3) Visual aids
4) Dialogue
5) Vocal Variety

and the list goes on.

BUT, when it comes to your overall speech, it must be centered to ONE main theme. Even though it is good to add variety, when it comes to your main message, there should only be ONE.

If not, your audience will be confused and they will leave the room feeling like someone has just wasted their time.

Therefore, when it comes to your speech delivery, add variety. But when it comes to your speech, make sure it centers around ONE main message.

Do it the other way round and you will be flirting not with the audience but with disaster.

Speak to Inspire and Be Inspired,
Bernard Yong

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